5 Tips to Getting Holiday Ready Image

5 Tips to Getting Holiday Ready

The holidays are quickly approaching and will be here before we know it! It’s one of our favorite times of the year as we get to see friends and family we don’t normally see, but it’s no secret that chaos is forming behind the curtain. We have everything you need to know to stay organized and cut the clutter so you can focus on what matters most!

Clear the countertops.

Naturally everyone will gravitate towards the kitchen as holiday cooking condemns. Remove unneeded items from the kitchen counters ahead of time such as small appliances, cooking utilities, and storage containers. The more space you have to put trays, platters and bowls – the better!

Storage prep.

Go through the pantry and refrigerator to remove spoiled food. You’ll likely need a place to store all the new items you’ll be cooking and of course leftovers! There’s no reason to cause unneeded stress when containers are piled high in the fridge.

Gift wrapping station.

Dedicate a space in your home for gift wrapping such as a desktop, extra table, or craft room. Having a place to store wrapping paper, scissors, tape, bows, etc. keeps the chaos to a minimum when you have tons of gifts to wrap. Consider using an Over the Door Kit

Clear the toys.

The idea of more toys in the house can cause a lot of stress, especially when you don’t have an organization system in place. Take the time review our blog for best tips and tricks on getting the playroom tamed and under control.

Tips & Tricks to Organize the Playroom!

Clean, clean, and more cleaning!

The thing we dread the most with holiday entertaining is cleaning the house before and afterwards. We recommend incremental cleaning throughout the day. Dedicate 20-30 minutes at a time to clean a specific area of your home. This will save you time and stress so you can focus on other tasks!

Avoid unneeded holiday stress by preparing ahead of time with our expert tips. Better yet, use our online Design Tool to create a freedomRail® storage space that works for your family’s needs and lifestyle! 

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